You don’t need to be on any contraception if you are breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is only a reliable mode of contraception in the first 6 months after delivery if it is exclusive breastfeeding and no return of periods. Breastfeeding does reduce a woman’s fertility but unless these requirements are met, there is a significant risk of getting pregnant. If you do not fit this criteria, then another method of contraception is advised.
Emergency contraception is for all those “oops!” times when something unforeseen has happened, for example like when a condom has broken, when you have unprotected sex or a missed pill. It shold NEVER be used as a regular method of…
There are up to 16 different types of contraception available, which means there is definitely one right for you! It just may take a few trials and errors before finding your favourite. THE PILL The Pill consist of synthetic hormones…