Small T shaped device placed into the uterus by a doctor.
It is placed in through the vagina, up the cervix. Can be done in clinic
Effective about 97-98%
Safe to use for 3 or 5 years, depending on type and dose.
Periods may be heavier the first few months (copper type) or less/no period (for hormone type), may have some period pain for the first few months.
If you want to get pregnant before the expiry date, just go to your doctor to have the device removed. It can be done in the clinic with little to no pain.
The safest way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease is abstinence or if that is not possible, monogamous relationship with protected sex is recommended. Multiple partners increases the risks of sexually transmitted disease as well as pregnancies. Barrier contraception…
We are bombarded with a wealth of information from family, friends, magazines and, more recently, social media on how to prevent pregnancy. But what is myth and what is fact. The following information may surprise you. Myth: You can’ t…
We have all heard about different ways to prevent pregnancy from friends, family and the local “aunty” down the street. Every culture across the world has their own traditional methods of pregnancy prevention. We take a look at some of…